Buckner Orphan Care International teamed with Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship to send 14 people from Dallas, Texas to Busia, Kenya to minister to 35 children living in foster care. Going into one of the most remote parts of the world, we see that God has not forgotten even the least of these. He knows each one by name and He blessed us with an opportunity to introduce ourselves to them. Here are some stories and devotionals from myself and my team members.

25 May, 2006

Here is a photo taken by Becca Andrews, an employee of Buckner Orphan Care International, who went before us at the beginning of May to get information about the people, facilities and place where we will be hosting Vacation Bible School.


I am extremely blessed to have been called by the Lord to travel to East Kenya to teach Vacation Bible School to orphans with Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship.

If you at all are blessed by anything on this site, please leave your comments on any of the devotionals! I would love to hear from you as well as others can see how God is speaking to you through these devotionals. Thank you, Olumayowa A. Famakinwa

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